Symbiotic Therapeutic

 Peter R. Rothschild, M.D., Ph. D.

Reg.SSA: GTO-1499 CP: MOR-0200 RFC: ROAP291211NG1/Revised 2002  

SYMBIOSIS is a well known concept in biology (from the Greek syn- together - and bios – life) that refers to a close and prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that usually may, but not necessarily, benefit each participating member. Thus, this relationship is based on mutual dependence for reciprocal benefits.    

A typical example of such a reciprocal relationship is represented by bacillus acidophilus which forms bacterial cultures that thrive in dilute acid and are often used to improve the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract in the treatment of certain digestive orders. The human organism supplies the bacillus acidophilus with nourishment, and benefits, in return, from the metabolic by-products of the microorganism.    

Many other highly efficient symbiotic bonds exist in the human body that are far less widespread known which, when purposefully called upon, constitute powerful and extremely effective therapeutic tools in the hands of a skilled health practitioner.    

Some of these biological agents such as the acidophilus, for example, become mated to the human body by spontaneous mechanisms. Ordinarily, they self- perpetuate the nexus, but the process can also be encouraged by exogenous supplementation.    

A microorganism – also called protozoan – is any of a large group of single-celled, usually microscopic, eukaryotic organisms, such as amoebas, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans. A wide array of microorganisms exist in nature that are habitually non-resident in the human body which, nonetheless, have valuable bio-therapeutic properties and are perfectly capable of developing highly effective and most advantageous interactions. Soil-Based Microorganisms –also referred to as SBO’s or as
SBO Probiotics Consortia – represent consummate models of ideal symbiosis. Two main SBO categories can thrive in adequate soil environments.

1.) Bacteria constitute the first category of SBO’s. A bacterium is any of the unicellular, prokaryotic microorganisms of the class Schizomycetes, which vary in terms of morphology, oxygen and nutritional requirements, and mobility, and may be free-living, saprophytic, or pathogenic; the latter cause disease in plants or animals. [New Latin from the Greek baktrion, diminutive of baktron rod.]    

2.) The second category is represented by Saccharomyces that lack a true mycelium, especially S. cerevisiae., which reproduce by budding and also from aeciospores. These are capable of fermenting carbohydrates [New Latin Saccharomyces genus name saccharo- Greek mukes fungus], or any of various similar fungi.    

3.) The third category consists in amoebae. These are protozoan of the genus Amoebae or related genera that occur in the water and soil and, also as parasites in other animals. An amoeba has no definite form and consists of essentially a mass of protoplasm containing one nucleus of more, and is surrounded by a delicate, flexible outer membrane. It moves by means of pseudopodia. [New Latin genus name from Greek amoibe - change, from ameibein - to change.]    

There are many thousand of SBO varieties in nature and, as we have pointed out, some among all these are obviously pathogenic. Nonetheless, an equally large number of SBO’s yield a substantial array of metabolic by-products that are extremely useful for the human body. These beneficial but harmless SBOs are capable of acting as ideal symbionts to man.    

Thus, an intelligent and purposeful combination of SBOs (SBO Probiotics Consortia) constitutes an ideal therapeutic tool that is extremely useful for a wide range of health problems. One of the main features of such a combination is, that when combined with minute amounts of carbohydrate, it acquires the ability of triggering fermentation at several – sometimes simultaneous – levels, creating a host of regenerative activities at pre-eminent cellular levels. Once investigated in depth, the principal chemical processes that accomplish this astounding array of feats are relatively easy to understand.    

These processes are based on multiple symbiotic performances, in which, certain yeast cells interact with a collection of special friendly bacteria, such as the Bacterium Xylinum, the Bacterium Gluconicum, Aerobacter Ketogenum and the Pichia Fermentans. These microorganisms are capable of interacting to generate biologically regenerative factors that will surface functionally and proliferate persistently.    

​It is remarkable to note that the constituents of these SBO varieties – including fungi derivatives which ordinarily multiply by spores – replicate through a process based on the interaction with glucoronic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid and the entire gamut of amino acids. The resulting culture produced within the intestinal tract is, among other features, a continuing source of muco-polysacchrides, antioxidant and proteolytic enzymes, capable of effectively opposing massive free-radical onslaughts, thus delaying the course of cellular aging, or of reducing both acute and chronic inflammatory processes, as well as, detoxifying the body.    

The versatility of such a mixture is quite astounding. The influence exerted by the yielded compounds encompasses the entire organism. The glucoronic acid assists the detoxifying of the liver and the synthesis of polysaccharides.  The hyaluronic acid is a paramount modulator tool for the immune response and for many functions of the connective tissues.  The chondroitinulfatic acid constitutes an essential component in cartilage regeneration.  Mucoitinsulfatic acid is essential for regulating the permeability of the mucous tissue and also partakes in the maintenance of the ocular vitreous. It also affects heparin which is an essential component within the blood-clotting mechanism.  And, lactic acid is one of the tools that regulate the pH balance in the colon. This list, while of course not endless, encompasses a superb collection of therapeutic values. It even acts as a natural, wide-spectrum antibiotic that, rather than substituting the body’s endogenous immune resources – which is what all the conventional antibiotics do – enhances is innate potentials.    

Through simultaneous but different mechanisms, an ideal
SBO Probiotics Consortiawill also assist in regulating of the body’s endocrine glands, improve the signal traffic of the entire nervous system, and participates in the management of manifold metabolic processes. Thus, since the Ancient Chinese discovered the value of Soil Based Microorganisms, they have been used to contest illnesses, such as, nervous disorders, arteriosclerosis, cardio-vascular failures, pre-mature aging, divers’ skin conditions including boils, kidneys and liver insufficiencies, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Moreover, because it eminently restores and stimulates the whole range of the intestinal flora, such an ideal SBO Probiotics Consortia is also quite useful in a variety of digestive disorders.    

Needless to say, that just as in most cleansing processes, during the initial phase of the SBO treatment the body may undergo some brief and mild conditions that could require simple, but adequate care. A basic diet void of sugar, of pork and derivatives, and of shellfish is the most appropriate nutritional program.    

Regrettably, the recalcitrant conventional medicine not only rejects any remedy that lists a too splendid array of claims, but will violently antagonize its spread, branding it as a sheer hoax. This is the reason why SBO’s are still largely unknown in the Western world.    

Beside a rich gamut of minerals and vitamins, some of the SBO’s also generate a variable spectrum of immuneglobulin. Moreover, it is demonstrated by several independent investigators that, by subjecting mammalians, - particularly humans – to specific immune modulator regimens, the range of such immuneglobulin can be usefully influenced.    

Immunoglobulins are large glycoprotein which acts as specific antibodies that bind antigens. Recently, the health food industry has been offering to consumers an increasing number of SBO preparations as a food supplement. And, they appear to be quite effective too. However, in order to take maximum advantage of the SBO’s efficacy, there are two additional important questions that must be answered.    

​The first of these is the perplexing fact that almost all ingested proteins which do not integrate a live entity, are being broken down – pre-digested – in the gastric milieu. Glycoprotein and the likes are particularly susceptible to the corrosive environment of the stomach. Thus, how is it possible that the antibodies contained in SBO mixtures remain intact during their pan-gastric transit?    

The second question is: how are these antibodies being assimilated by the recipient’s immune system with their efficacy unimpaired?    

An ideal SBO Probiotics Consortia operates by encompassing a prime factor that offers quite satisfactory explanations to both of the above questions. Many of the yeast based microorganisms function as effective emulsifiers. Hence, during their intestinal transit they create oil-in-water emulsions. Consequently, the glycoproteins contained in these SBO Probiotics Consortia become integrated into the minute oil globules of the emulsion, and thus pass unscathed through the gastric environment.    

As for the question of its absorption, thanks to their emulsified presentation, a considerable volume of these globules reaches intact the Villi of the small intestines. The globules of any oil-in-water emulsion are so tiny that their surface tension is, for practical purposes, extremely high. Therefore, they will repulse – bypass – the Villi and, thus, will not be absorbed by these.  

Instead, these minute oil globules will virtually “sink” in between the Villi, transverse the mucous and sub-mucous layers, then cross unimpeded the muscle layer, and will become finally captured by the underlying lymphatic plixi – receptors – which will incorporate them into the lymphatic traffic, whence, conforming to the body’s homeostatic mechanism, they will be delivered through the superior vena cava into the right atrium of the heart where they will eventually attain unhindered systemic circulation.    

This is a particularly important feature, precisely by winding up in the lymphatic system; the immunoglobulin contained in the SBO Probiotics Consortia successfully avoids the portal absorption. That is, they effectively bypass the liver and achieve an even systemic distribution. In other words, the entire body can benefit from their contents.    

The above mechanism, by the way, also explains how infants – whose organs which will be eventually in charge of their lipid metabolism, but at the moment still continue under development until at least their tenth month of age – are able to assimilate oil-soluble substances contained in their regular daily nutrition.    

Many of the readers have probably heard of “population bubbles” in various parts of the planet – such as at certain spots of China, Siberia, and also in Ecuador – where people are happily alive to centenarian ages up to 120 years. And, when their time comes to exit, they leave the world without any suffering. They simply cease to be. It is our contention that, when we consume appropriate combinations of
SBO Probiotics Consortiaas a daily habit, we are sharing their secret.